If you read this week that the US Mint is beginning a 10-year project to issue 25-cent coins to memorialize national parks, don't get your hopes up for St. John. There is none planned for the Virgin islands National Park.
There will be a Virgin Islands coin, but it will cite the Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve on St. Croix.
The 1,015 acre Salt River reserve was created in 1992. The area has a blend of sea and land holds some of the largest remaining mangrove forests in the Virgin Islands, as well as coral reefs and a submarine canyon.
The Salt River quarter coin is schedule for release in 2020.
There will be a Virgin Islands coin, but it will cite the Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve on St. Croix.
The 1,015 acre Salt River reserve was created in 1992. The area has a blend of sea and land holds some of the largest remaining mangrove forests in the Virgin Islands, as well as coral reefs and a submarine canyon.
The Salt River quarter coin is schedule for release in 2020.
- Web site for Salt River Bay: http://www.nps.gov/sari/index.htm