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January 28, 2010 in Real Estate, Villas and Resorts | Permalink | Comments (3)
The Achilles Heel of the Cruz Bay restaurant business is parking. For years, there have been complaints. And ill-planned and badly implemented efforts by the government have failed to solve the problem. The Governor's announcement this week that a Planner finally has been hired is a step in the right direction.
Meanwhile, the Port Authority is moving ahead with its plan to use the aprons of the Enighed Pond commercial port for parking. As many as 150 spaces, according to Islandia Real Estate's blog (http://www.stjohnvirealestateblog.com/?p=1502). The Port Authority's executive director, Ken Hobson, told a St. John Chamber of Commerce meeting the parking could be operational by May 1st.January 27, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (6)
The VI government is losing $25 million a month and long-delayed property tax revenues can't come soon enough.
So said Gov. John deJongh in his State of the (bankrupt?) Territory last night. he said the $800,000 a day operating deficit is due to the "global economic crisis" and that "our tax revenues fell by 30%."
January 26, 2010 in Real Estate | Permalink | Comments (2)
January 25, 2010 in Real Estate | Permalink | Comments (1)
Of great interest to St. John business, villa, condo, and land owners will be any comment about the impasse between the federal government and the territory which has blocked property tax collections for at least three years.
How you can run a government, or even a household, without a main source of revenue, is beyond most people. Unless, of course, you're piling up debt - which means interest payments ... which means more debt.
January 25, 2010 in Real Estate | Permalink | Comments (0)
January 25, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Best known for his knife and tool sharpening business, Dan Carlsen's branched out to cyberspace.
The long time St. John resident started selling some of his unneeded stuff on eBay. Now he's doing it for other people, according to a profile of Carlsen published by the St. John Source.
Operating as the Coral Bay Market, he takes in items people want to sell, takes photographs, writes descriptions and posts them on the online auction service. He charges a 15% commission.January 22, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Joe Kessler, who heads up the Friends of the Virgin Islands National Park, says the Park is not likely to adopt the idea to charge for parking at Trunk Bay. In a comment at NewsofStJohn.com, he said, "Parks throughout the national park system are currently prohibited from introducing any new fees."
(The Inquiring Iguana would direct your focus on the word 'currently,' though.)
The Friends leader agrees a shuttle service from Cruz Bay to Annenberg would be a good idea. "So that visitors to the park would be able to get on and off as they wish at park venues along the north shore for a set fee per trip -- similar to the "dollar taxis" on St. Thomas (although it would likely be more than a dollar)," he said.January 21, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (3)
What if you had to pay to park at Hawksnest or Trunk Bay?
The money raised could go to fund a shuttle system of taxis and vans and ease the crowding and illegal parking along the North Shore roads.
Charging for parking is one of the ideas offered for consideration during a six-month study of transportation issues on the island. Beth Isler was funded by the National Park Foundation to study the island's transportation issues and develop a plan to "alleviate parking demand and improve mobility and access."Isler is a member of the Vermont Institute of Transportation Engineers. Her study ended at the end of the year, leaving her to prepare a report for the Park Service.
Other ideas heard at advisory committee meetings which included taxi drivers and representatives of the VI Taxi Cab Association were widening curves on the North Shore roads, preventing people from picnicking at the Park overlooks (to allow more people to use them), and eliminating taxi parking at Trunk Bay.
"A successful plan will benefit the economy of St. John by improving visitor experience," a National Park statement said, "preserving Park resources, reducing transportation impacts on the island, and creating business opportunities for the local community."January 20, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (18)
"There were shirts I wanted ... shirts I wasn't seeing for sale on the island," she said. So, she did it the old fashion way. Her way!
Working with island designer Chelsea O'Brien, she developed six designs, each of which reflects the island's humor, quirkiness, and relaxed approach to life. "I hope they put a smile on your face and that the super-soft organic cotton reminds you of the super-soft sand of Cinnamon Bay," she said.
January 19, 2010 in Tips for visitors | Permalink | Comments (3)