These are tough times for Dolphin Market, located at Boulon Center, aka Ground Zero for the Roundabout construction.
As this photo from Inez, the Deputy Inquiring Iguana shows, it's a nightmare trying to park and shop at what formerly was the cheapest, fairly-well stocked food store in Cruz Bay. But that kind of changed when the VI Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs showed the market's prices were higher than previously.
Then came word from one of the St. John forums that Dolphin had stopped giving a 10% discount to people who used the Friends of the Virgin Islands eco-friendly shopping sacks, which were sold last fall. That prompted lots of criticism of the store. Maybe the Dolphin owners heard. it.
This morning comes a photo from another Deputy Inquiring Iguana that Dolphin has posted a sign saying the bags are welcome and the discount's being offered. Locals will be pleased. If you're interested in getting a bag, and a deal, the Friends or Dolphin may - may - have some left.