Several hundred island residents will have to find a new place to pick up their mail after April 29.
The Mail Center's owner, Jason Corley, said he has been unable to negotiate a new lease with the landlord, the Marketplace. He plans to move back to the states.
This means life is about to get very unpleasant for locals and businesses, never mind villa owners who have used the business at the Marketplace to ship supplies to their homes.
In a letter to customers Tuesday, Corley wrote, "On Saturday, April 29th, the Mail Center will close its doors. We deeply regret any inconvenience this will cause you." He suggested customers make arrangements for a new mailing address by contacting Connections in Cruz Bay, Keep Me Posted in Coral Bay, or the cramped and inadequate Post Office in Cruz Bay.
The Mail Center's closing has been brought to the attention of Donna Christensen, the territory’s Delegate to Congress. Beverly Lockhart sent an e-mail. She said she is one of 417 residents who get their mail through the business. “As you are aware, the current US Postal Office is stretched beyond capacity and can not 'create' 417 new boxes,” Lockhart urged the Delegate to intervene with the Marketplace, “and plead our case for affordable rent for the Mail a public service.”
(A disclaimer: With friends, I (Frank Barnako) used to be a co-owner of the Mail Center.)