Under the heading, “Tell me something I didn’t know,” the VI government surveyed food prices on St. John and found Dolphin Market less expensive than Starfish Market. A survey by the Licensing and Consumer Affairs Department found Dolphin’s market basket costing $82.32 and Starfish’s $85,75. Dolphin's total was four percent less, said a report of the survey published by the St. John Source (Read the story at http://www.onepaper.com/stjohnvi/?v=d&i=&s=News:Local&p=1212898678)
Another recent survey compared food costs at two grocery stores in Washington, DC and two on St,. Thomas. Wanna guess the outcome? Prices averaged 50% higher on St Thomas than in Washington, according to Dave Barber, a former official with the VI Department of Labor. He said he was not surprised. Barber did a similar comparison in 1997. The difference then was 33 percent. A report on Barber’s independent survey was published by the Virgin Islands Daily News. Read it here: http://www.virginislandsdailynews.com/index.pl/article_home?id=17625014