While Gary runs his Mixology Warehouse business out of a trailer at the Lumberyard, the island is talking about refurbishing going on at his old spot on the first floor, next door to the WAPA office. They’re reportedly putting in a strip club. “I am surprised that no one is up in arms about this... (yet),” said Blujahz on the VI Now forum. “Who gave the license for something like that???,” added Connie. “I don't understand why this is allowed on an island that does not tolerate simple nudity at the beach,” said Whatswiththat.
Promoguy said he thinks he sees another opportunity, if there is a strip club. He suggests that because some patrons might be embarrassed to be seen, that somebody should open a business renting Halloween masks.
A number of locals commented that there have been strip bars on the island before and they have failed.
One person pointed out that the strip club is one thing, meanwhile at Wharfside company called Southland Gaming is renovating what used to be Larry’s landing, The former bar and pool hall is being turned into a spot for video lottery and, presumably, other gaming activities.