The owner of Cocoloba Shopping Center said he built it because, "We felt like it was needed." Jim Phillips added, "The area seems to be growing." Among the tenants are Aqua Bistro, a restaurant and bar. Its owner, Marc Kaye, told the St. John Source dinner entrees are less than $20 because, "I want local people to come." Cocoloba, next door to Voyages de St. Jan, also has Sugar Apple, a jewelry and clothing store that moved from the Shipwreck Landing strip, down the road. Several other stores are offering women's clothing, while Castaways sells new and consignment furniture. Also setting up for business in the project, which Phillips runs with his wife, Genoveva Rodriquez, are a leather shop, hair salon, masseuse and, soon come, Lily's Gourmet Market. (Photo by Franz Jaggar.)